
Across the world, women and girls are routinely denied full access to their sexual and reproductive rights and freedoms. These major challenges to SRHR access have been further complicated by the COVID-19 crisis.

Civil society organisations and activists are confronted with an increasingly narrow space within which to influence international policy, processes and decision making on reproductive autonomy. This narrowing of civil society space has been heightened during the pandemic and hindered opportunities to convene diverse stakeholders to set common advocacy goals, and develop joint strategies to progress bodily autonomy. SheDecides mobilises and convenes disconnected actors in the bodily autonomy ecosystem towards a common goal – to advance bodily autonomy and reproductive choice.

Our work involved identifying and developing results and outcomes to track progress of a global political movement dedicated to gender equality, SRHR and bodily autonomy. Kore Global has significant experience in developing performance measurement strategies and results frameworks, especially in the policy advocacy and influencing space where it is often difficult to predefine results. Kore Global provided customised technical assistance to SheDecides to develop and implement a results framework and measurement strategy to capture meaningful results data on how SheDecides is making a contribution to advancing bodily autonomy and reproductive choice. Kore Global facilitated a series of conversations to harvest outcomes, and surface insights and lessons learned in order to develop the stories of change that were at the heart of SheDecides 2021 Annual Report.


Implementation Research: Impact Investing in the Care Economy


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