Why men should care about gender equality

As Sexual Assault Awareness Month (April) comes to an end, the topic of gender-based violence and sexual assault remains relevant and important year-round. Survivors of sexual assault represent all demographics; however, to best understand this issue, we must acknowledge that women and girls are disproportionately affected by sexual violence, making gender an important part of the conversation. 

Discussions about gender-based inequalities often importantly centre on the challenges faced by women and gender minorities. At the same time, it's important to recognize the integral role that men play in advancing gender equality, and how their involvement can benefit not only women, but all people, including men.

Here are 4 reasons why men should care about gender equality:

1️⃣ Improve personal health and well-being

While women (and gender minorities) have historically borne the brunt of gender inequalities, men also face unique challenges stemming from societal expectations and gender norms. For example, men's health and well-being are influenced by social constructs of masculinity, which often discourage behaviours like help-seeking and emotional vulnerability. Instead, these norms drive men and boys to present as strong, competitive, and in control - a standard that is both unrealistic and detrimental to maintain. Indeed, the suicide rate among men is 2-4 times that of women, and they fare more poorly on indices of substance misuse, risk-taking-related injury, violence, and aggression. By embracing gender equality, men can liberate themselves from restrictive norms, enabling greater personal growth, authenticity, and fulfillment. This helps to reduce the cost to men  - including poor health, shallow relationships, and risk of early death - of conforming to traditional masculine ideals.

2️⃣ Enhance relationship satisfaction

Egalitarian relationships, characterized by shared responsibilities and mutual respect, are associated with higher levels of satisfaction and well-being for both partners. For example, research indicates that when men share housework and childcare responsibilities with their partner, both they and their partners are less likely to be diagnosed with depression, in therapy, or taking medication, and report higher levels of relationship satisfaction. Additionally, men who share these responsibilities tend to engage in better personal health habits (e.g., less drinking, smoking, drug use, and more routine medical check ups). By challenging traditional gender roles and embracing equitable practices, men can cultivate deeper connections with their partners and foster a supportive environment conducive to relationship fulfillment.

3️⃣ Support work-life balance and child development

Meaningful involvement in caregiving and household responsibilities is essential for fostering healthy family dynamics and work-life balance. When men actively participate in childcare and domestic tasks, it not only strengthens their relationships with their children but also allows for greater flexibility and support within the family unit. This balance benefits both men and women, enabling them to pursue their professional aspirations while maintaining fulfilling personal lives. Moreover, children thrive in environments where caregiving responsibilities are shared equitably between parents. When fathers actively participate in childcare and household tasks, it positively impacts children's cognitive development, emotional well-being, and overall success. By prioritizing active fatherhood, men contribute to the holistic development of future generations and set positive examples for gender-equitable parenting.

4️⃣ Create inclusive communities and workplaces

Gender equality extends beyond individual relationships to encompass broader societal structures and institutions. Companies that prioritize diversity and inclusion reap numerous benefits, including enhanced creativity, productivity, and employee satisfaction. Further, gender-equitable companies demonstrate lower levels of attrition and have an easier time recruiting employees. By championing gender equality in the workplace and beyond, men contribute to the creation of happier, more inclusive communities for all. 

Advancing gender equality is a shared goal — one that benefits individuals, families, workplaces, and communities alike. By amplifying diverse voices, challenging harmful stereotypes, and advocating for inclusive policies and practices, we can create a more just and equitable world for everyone.


Written by Kari Walton, Analyst, Kore Global.


Investment in gender-diverse ownership and leadership drives development impact for women